Saigon - Nhonhoi Industrial Park Corporation (SNP) organized Inauguration Ceremony of “Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model”

Khu công nghiệp Nhơn Hội - Khu A - Điểm đến lý tưởng cho nhà đầu tư

Saigon - Nhonhoi Industrial Park Corporation (SNP) organized Inauguration Ceremony of “Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model”

Following the Guidance Document No. 69/HD-CAT-PV05 dated January 11st, 2023, from Binh Dinh Provincial Police on the construction and expansion of exemplary models in the movement for all people to protect national security in the agency, enterprise, and educational institution sectors; the official letter No. 1613/BQL-QLDN dated October 17th, 2023, from the Binh Dinh Provincial Economic Zone Management Board on the expansion of the “Safe Industrial Park in terms of Security and Order” model; in the afternoon of June 28th, 2024, Saigon - Nhonhoi Industrial Park Corporation (SNP) organized the Inauguration Ceremony of the “Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model”.

Attending the inauguration ceremony were: Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Hoang Tuan - Head of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department, Lieutenant Colonel Le Hong Dung - Deputy Head of the Economic Security Department; Mr. Dang Vinh Son - Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee - Head of the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board, Ms. Ha Thi Phuc Tram - Vice President of the Economic Zone Labor Union; representatives from Quy Nhon City Police, Nhon Hoi Economic Zone Police Station, Nhon Hoi Commune People’s Committee, along with representatives from 16 member enterprises within the IP participating in the Steering Committee and Executive Committee of the Model.

Quang cảnh các đại biểu tham dự Lễ ra mắt Mô hình KCN Nhơn Hội (Khu A) An toàn về An ninh trật tự
The scene of delegates attending the inauguration ceremony of Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Dang Vinh Son, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board, stated that Nhon Hoi IP (Park A) currently has 31 businesses in operation with about 6.200 employees (accounting for approximately 26% of the entire Economic Zone and Industrial Parks of the province, and this number will continue to increase in the near future). Therefore, the establishment and implementation of Nhon Hoi IP (Park A) Safety and Security Model is extremely necessary to ensure the security and order of each business in the IP and the entire Nhon Hoi Economic Zone. He also encouraged all businesses in the industrial park to actively participate in the model to achieve 100% participation from businesses in the IP.

Ông Đặng Vĩnh Sơn, Ủy viên BTV Tỉnh ủy, Trưởng ban BQL KKT tỉnh phát biểu
Mr. Dang Vinh Son, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Economic Zone Management Board, speaking at the ceremony

During the ceremony, Lieutenant Colonel Le Hong Dung - Deputy Head of the Economic Security Department of Binh Dinh Provincial Police acknowledged and highly appreciated the efforts and high responsibility spirit of the leaders of SNP in building, mobilizing, propagating, and attracting businesses operating in Nhon Hoi A IP to participate in the “Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model”. Thí effort demonstrates the awareness and deep concern of the business leaders towards the movement of all people protecting national security and ensuring the security and order, with the common goal of creating a secure and safe environment to serve production and business activities.

Thượng tá Lê Hồng Dũng – Phó TP An ninh kinh tế, Công an tỉnh Bình Định, phát biểu tại buổi lễ
Lieutenant Colonel Le Hong Dung - Deputy Head of the Economic Security Department of Binh Dinh Provincial Police, speaking at the ceremony

At the inauguration ceremony of the Model, Mr. Tran Thanh Hoang, Deputy General Director of SNP emphasized: the company’s Steering Committee will strive to complete the set goals, quickly bring the model into practical operation to deliver effective security and order results at the IP, contributing to creating a safe and stable investment environment for businesses to feel secure in their production activities, living up to the trust of investors when investing here.

Ông Trần Thanh Hoàng, Phó TGĐ Công ty CP KCN Sài Gòn – Nhơn Hội, phát biểu tại buổi lễ
Mr. Tran Thanh Hoang, Deputy General Director of Saigon - Nhonhoi Industrial Park, highlighted

The inauguration ceremony of Nhon Hoi IP (Park A) Safety and Security Model took place in an atmosphere of determination, commitment, and high consensus from businesses within the IP to build Nhon Hoi IP (Park A) Safety and Security in 2024, contributing to the initial success in building and bringing the model into practical operation. The ceremony was a complete success.

Some images from the inauguration ceremony of Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security:

Các thành viên trong Ban chỉ đạo Mô hình “KCN Nhơn Hội (Khu A) An toàn về ANTT” ra mắt
The members of the Steering Committee launching the "Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model" 
Các thành viên tham gia ra mắt Mô hình “KCN Nhơn Hội (Khu A) An toàn về ANTT”
The members of the Executive Committee launching the "Nhon Hoi Industrial Park (Park A) Safety and Security Model"
The member enterprises in the Steering Committee and the Executive Committee of the Model sign the Emulation Agreement

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